Responsibilities of MB

Samaria National Park (White Mountains) Management Body was established according to article 13 of Law 3044/27-08-2002 (Government Gazette, Issue A 197). Its operation began in April 2008 with the employment of the first personnel and the startup of the Project “Management and Operation of Samaria National Park”, Measure 8.1, Operational Program “Environment”, of the 3rd Community Support Framework, 2000-2006.
The legally-prescribed responsibilities of the Management Body (MB), according to article 15 of Law 2742/07-10-1999 (Government Gazette, Issue A 207) are:
- Drawing up and implementing management regulations and operation of their areas of responsibility.
- Care for the collection, classification and processing of environmental features and data for their areas of responsibility, as well as compiling the related evidence and data bases.
- Provision of expert opinion prior to the pre-ratification of finding sites and ratification of environmental terms and actions in their areas of responsibility.
- Assisting competent administrative and judicial authorities in controlling the implementation of environmental law.
- Studies and research as well as the implementation of technical and other works included in the management plan and which are essential for the protection, restoration and showcasing of the protected regions of their areas of responsibility.
- Drawing up and implementing projects for national and European programmes.
- Information, education and training of the public in environmental issues (creation of an Information Centre, training programmes, convention, conferences, educational seminars, publications, etc.).
- The promotion, support, organisation and implementation of ecotourism programmes. The issuing of a quality and collaboration certifications to businesses within the protected regions.
- The management of public land given to the MB or rented by it.
- For the fulfilment of its purposes, the MB cooperates with all the relevant authorities of the European Union and the international organizations, the relevant national authorities, public law legal entities, local administration organizations, as well as any other organization of the broader public sector. The above mentioned organizations and services ought to assist the MB with its work, providing any necessary information. The MB can cooperate with domestic and foreign educational institutes, research centres, and organizations working on the same or relative scientific fields, nongovernmental organizations, and natural or legal entities working in the fields of the MB responsibilities.